Immaculate Supplies

Ecclesiology & Theology

Advancing Practical Theology


Eric Stoddard

Advancing Practical Theology argues that the practical theology as a disciple does not at present fulfill its radical potential and addresses some directions that the discipline needs to take in order to respond adequately to changing social, ecclesiastical and global circumstances. This book will generate debate as a polemic contending for a future of the discipline that features an enhanced role for the lay (i.e. non-professional) practical theologian who is radicalized with respect to the discipline's preferential option for the broken in which practical theology addresses and is addressed by post-colonial concerns. Eric Stoddard argues that it is time to shake the debate up, so that it does not only consist of discussions around the bible and practical theology, and the discipline's relationship with systematic theology, but to extend and grow the vision of what practical theology is and can be. 

ISBN : 9780334051916

Format : Paperback

Number of pages : 128