Immaculate Supplies

Biography & History

On the Edge of the World


This charming story is framed by a central salon question, of evangelizing others. The story is told in response to those Russians who preferred the positive approach of direct action typical of Protestants and Roman Catholics, offering to them the fundamental approach of Orthodox Christianity. The history Russian Orthodox missionary effort in the far north, Siberia, and Alaska, is one led by silence-loving monastics, such as St Herman. Leskov presents a semi-fictional account of a newly assigned, if overly zealous bishop, who discovers in a dramatic wilderness experience, the inherent beauty and effectiveness of the humble way. The Orthodox Christian does not presume their own salvation but views life as a process of turning their sinful life over to God in the hope. Hence, the Leskov's powerful illustration at the end of the story, validating the observation of St Seraphim of Sarov, that, one who seeks his/her own salvation saves a thousand about her/him

ISBN : 9780881411188

Format : Paperback

Number of pages : 136