Immaculate Supplies

Biography & History

Face of Friendship, The


Bill Clarke;

With a foreword by Jean Vanier and letters from Louisa Blair 

Fr. Bill was instrumental in developing the Ignatian Farm Community in Guelph, a kind of Jesuit, environmentalist version of L'Arche where mentally and physically challenged adults were responsible for the daily operations of this animal, grain and apple-producing farm. This is where he met and roomed with a violent man named Byron who had tried to kill himself and ended up with half of his face shot away. 

This autobiographical book is about the journey of transformation taken by this Jesuit priest to find new meaning in his vocation. This is a rare "spiritual growth" book because it appears to be about Byron's journey from violence to grace, but it is also about the need for a constant re-examination of faith in action -this time through the eyes of a science-trained, Vanier-inspired Jesuit priest. 

ISBN : 9782895074854

Format : Paperback

Number of pages : 256